
National Hunter Markers | Credit Fraud Protection

National Hunter Markers | Credit Fraud Protection

National Hunter is an agency operated by Experian Decision Analytics, which is part of Experian, the multi-national credit reporting company, and is dedicated to preventing credit fraud through its anti-fraud data sharing system.

It represents a substantial number of financial institution members, including finance companies, mortgage lenders, and banks. Data is stored containing information from applicants seeking credit, which can be accessed by all its members.

A suspicious application will be flagged by National Hunter and then checked before an institution decides whether to proceed with the application. Records of such activity will be stored on the database and retrieved if the individual makes future applications.

An adverse report can result in serious consequences for an unsuccessful applicant, potentially barring them from obtaining various forms of credit, including mortgages for purchasing a home. Individuals have a statutory right, under the Data Protection Act, to receive a copy of the information affecting them.

Naz Maqsoom of KANGS outlines the National Hunter Process.

How the National Hunter Process Operates

When an individual applying for financial credit shares information with a financial institution enrolled with National Hunter, the data is entered into the database and cross-referenced with any other information previously stored.

For example, National Hunter processes thousands of credit card applications on behalf of members linking them to existing credit cards held by each applicant.

Where a discrepancy is identified, National Hunter informs the financial institution which will determine whether there has been any indication of possible fraudulent misrepresentation, allowing it to potentially reject the application.

Financial institutions with on-going relationships with clients, are likely to conduct regular cross-referencing with the National Hunter data base to ensure the continuing accuracy of the information relied upon.

The provision of fraudulent information is likely to result in the offender being ‘blacklisted’ or ‘debanked.’

Disputing Inaccurate Information

The volume of data being processed inevitably results in mistakes and inaccurate records being stored leading to dispute and financial hardship, such as the disruption of a company’s cashflow or its ability to obtain credit.

In these circumstances, it will be necessary to challenge the accuracy of a filing highlighting the errors that require rectification.

A filing which is materially accurate cannot be successfully challenged. If the information held on the database is correct, and it was reasonable for the financial institution to suspect fraudulent activity, no cause of action exists in respect of the resulting consequences of rejection.

In the event of a Data Subject Access Request should be made to National Hunter which will be required to disclose all the information it holds which may indicate suspected fraudulent conduct relied upon. The filed data can generally only be removed by the financial institution which presented it for filing.

Once the released information from National Hunter has been received, if considered appropriate, the financial institution which filed the disputed material can be challenged as to whether it intends to continue to rely upon it or is prepared to withdraw it. In the event of unjustified refusal to withdraw the material, civil court remedies may be appropriate.

How Can We Help?

The Team at KANGS is highly experienced challenging inaccurate adverse credit ratings leading to loss and prejudicial trading restrictions upon clients.

We understand the serious impact on clients and their businesses when the operation of bank accounts or the availability of credit are withdrawn. We strive to engage in early dialogue with the relevant institutions to reach a quick resolution and reinstatement of normal trading activity for our client.

If we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our Team using the information below:

Tel:       0333 370 4333
Email: info@kangssolicitors.co.uk

We provide an initial no obligation consultation from our offices in London, Birmingham, and Manchester. Alternatively, we provide initial consultations by telephone or video.

Tim Thompson

Tim Thompson

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Nazaqat Maqsoom

Naz Maqsoom

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John Veale

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