Our leading financial investigations
& criminal defence lawyers are experts
in safeguarding you and your assets.

Financial Investigations Services

Our expert criminal defence lawyers
provide robust advice and representation,
protecting your rights.

Criminal Litigation Services

Protect your business and assets
with our team of experienced HMRC
VAT and Tax Defence Solicitors.

HMRC VAT & Tax services

This is a title if you need one

This is column one

Duis et elit in nisi posuere mattis. Nunc a risus volutpat, feugiat risus commodo, dapibus arcu. Suspendisse fermentum scelerisque enim, quis vestibulum felis condimentum non. Nam a felis enim. Cras luctus vulputate risus, sit amet interdum nisi fermentum vel. Integer ac risus et massa semper fermentum. Quisque vel risus velit. Nulla sodales nisi non dui vehicula fermentum. Duis feugiat purus non risus molestie, vitae aliquam mi vulputate. Nunc ultrices porta massa vitae euismod. Praesent vestibulum elit sed nunc porta auctor. Nunc at lectus id lacus convallis ullamcorper et posuere erat. Donec sed egestas lacus.
Vivamus at nisi et mauris venenatis aliquam. In malesuada lacinia ultrices. Curabitur nec eros ut felis porttitor faucibus ac non erat. Aliquam quis blandit orci. Curabitur euismod, purus vitae vestibulum vestibulum, arcu enim luctus dui, non placerat lacus sem at est. Aenean in velit fermentum, rutrum risus vel, vulputate nulla. Cras tincidunt suscipit nunc ultricies aliquet. Etiam lorem nulla, elementum non condimentum non, ultrices vitae nunc. Vivamus sed consequat tortor. Proin a lacus eu velit hendrerit sollicitudin non ut mi. Duis rutrum dignissim viverra. Nullam vel eleifend sapien. Morbi ullamcorper leo eget magna aliquam semper. Nam ac augue pharetra, laoreet lorem vitae, sodales odio.

This is column two

Duis et elit in nisi posuere mattis. Nunc a risus volutpat, feugiat risus commodo, dapibus arcu. Suspendisse fermentum scelerisque enim, quis vestibulum felis condimentum non. Nam a felis enim. Cras luctus vulputate risus, sit amet interdum nisi fermentum vel. Integer ac risus et massa semper fermentum. Quisque vel risus velit. Nulla sodales nisi non dui vehicula fermentum. Duis feugiat purus non risus molestie, vitae aliquam mi vulputate. Nunc ultrices porta massa vitae euismod. Praesent vestibulum elit sed nunc porta auctor. Nunc at lectus id lacus convallis ullamcorper et posuere erat. Donec sed egestas lacus.
Vivamus at nisi et mauris venenatis aliquam. In malesuada lacinia ultrices. Curabitur nec eros ut felis porttitor faucibus ac non erat. Aliquam quis blandit orci. Curabitur euismod, purus vitae vestibulum vestibulum, arcu enim luctus dui, non placerat lacus sem at est. Aenean in velit fermentum, rutrum risus vel, vulputate nulla. Cras tincidunt suscipit nunc ultricies aliquet. Etiam lorem nulla, elementum non condimentum non, ultrices vitae nunc. Vivamus sed consequat tortor. Proin a lacus eu velit hendrerit sollicitudin non ut mi. Duis rutrum dignissim viverra. Nullam vel eleifend sapien. Morbi ullamcorper leo eget magna aliquam semper. Nam ac augue pharetra, laoreet lorem vitae, sodales odio.

Creative solutions to complex problems

KANGS is an acclaimed law firm with top-ranked professionals renowned for their expertise in both criminal and civil litigation. Our solicitors provide expert criminal defence advice and legal representation, protecting your rights.

Since 1997 KANGS has provided partner-led bespoke litigation services to a range of clients including international and national organisations, companies, senior executives, professionals, not-for-profit organisations and private individuals. As established criminal solicitors, we pride ourselves on our top rankings by leading legal directories Chambers UK and the Legal 500.

Areas of practice

When your freedom and reputation are on the line, trust in our accomplished team of criminal defence lawyers to navigate you through the complexities of the legal system. With a steadfast commitment to securing favourable outcomes, we specialise in a wide array of criminal litigation matters.

Financial Investigations

Our financial crime lawyers offer representation and guidance to individuals facing financial investigations with precision and expertise. Learn more

Criminal Litigation

We provide support to clients dealing with a broad spectrum of criminal matters, including fraud, money laundering, theft, drug offences, murder, and general criminal charges. Learn more

HMRC & Tax

Our team serves clients nationwide, handling HMRC investigations and prosecutions. We have earned national recognition for our expertise in MTIC, Tax Fraud, Kittel and VAT fraud cases. Learn more

Civil Fraud

Our specialised team of civil fraud lawyers provides support to both corporate entities and individuals facing legal hurdles due to fraud, aiding them in the recover of stolen funds and assets. Learn more


Our lawyers boasts extensive expertise in restructuring and insolvency matters, from bankruptcy and winding up to company restoration and claims against company directors. Learn more

Commercial Disputes

Our skilled team adeptly handles a diverse array of commercial disputes with professionalism, employing mediation, arbitration, negotiation, and litigation as necessary. Learn more

Sexual Offences

We provide empathetic legal representation for clients facing allegations of sexual offences, including possession of indecent images, rape or sexual assault, safeguarding their rights. Learn more

POCA & Confiscation

Ranked nationally for ‘POCA and Asset Forfeiture work' our team adeptly guide clients through all issues including Restraint Orders, Confiscation Proceedings, and Cash Seizures. Learn more


We assist clients in a wide spectrum of regulatory matters, ranging from corporate manslaughter and director disqualification to health and safety offences. Learn more


A well-run firm with a brilliant team of lawyers
It has very bright individuals at all levels who know the system inside out
One of, if not the best, criminal specialist firms in the country
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Latest News & Insights

Criminal Litigation

Unduly Lenient Sentence Scheme | Burglar’s Sentence Doubled

This is what a H2 looks - The Unduly Lenient Sentence This is what a H3 looks like - The Unduly Lenient Sentence This is what a H4 looks like - The Unduly Lenient Sentence In a recent Case, the term of imprisonment imposed upon an armed burglar was doubled by the Court of Appeal. […]
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Unduly Lenient Sentence Scheme | Burglar’s Sentence Doubled
Companies House is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department for Business and Trade. It provides a wide range of services being responsible for the incorporation and dissolution of companies, the maintenance of registers of company information and the provision of information to the public. It seeks to ensure that all recorded information is as […]
Financial Investigations, Tax & HMRC
HMRC faces the ongoing challenge of tackling ‘Supply Chain VAT Fraud’ and recovering unpaid VAT. VAT fraud is a common occurrence, particularly within sectors like the building industry and in a recent article titled ‘Umbrella Company Fraud,’ we detailed how this type of fraud is operated by the creation of fictitious supply chain companies in […]
Criminal Litigation
The Public Order Act 2023 (‘the Act’) was introduced to prevent individuals from repeatedly causing serious disruption to the wider community through protest activity. The intent is to ensure that that the Police will be better placed to balance the rights of protesters against those of the general public to attend to their daily businesses.

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