
Grateful Client | Not Guilty Verdict | KANGS Sexual Offences Defence Solicitors


KANGS has successfully defended a client at Birmingham Crown Court who had been charged with sexual assault contrary to the Sexual Offences Act 2003.

Amandeep Murria of KANGS Solicitors outlines this successful outcome.

KANGS has been defending clients accused of criminal offences of every nature, including alleged sexual offences, for well over twenty years and is recognised as one of the leading criminal defence firms in the country, being ‘Top Ranked’ by the leading legal directories Chambers UK and The Legal 500.

The recognition includes:

We appreciate the strain on individuals and their families when facing allegations of a sexual nature and we are here to assist you to alleviate such difficulties and pressures.

Our Team can be contacted for confidential and discrete advice as follows:

The Circumstances | KANGS Serious Crime Defence Solicitors

  • Our client, a professional man of good character and respected within the community, was accused of sexually assaulting a client.
  • The complaint of sexual assault was made to a friend, soon after treatment had been provided by our client.
  • The Police were contacted immediately by the complainant.
  • Following a thorough investigation by the Police, our client was interviewed and at which time he provided a full account strenuously denying the allegation.

How We Assisted Our Client | KANGS Criminal Offences Defence Solicitors

We assisted our client prepare for trial by, inter alia:

  • thoroughly examining all the material served by the Prosecution,
  • attending our client, taking his instructions on all the evidence served by the Prosecution, discussing his version of the circumstances and advising him upon the appropriate course to follow in pursuit of his defence,
  • obtained detailed statements from defence witnesses and character references which supported our client,
  • prepared all requisite procedural court applications and attended all hearings,
  • identified and instructed Counsel to represent our client in court and attended conferences with both Counsel and our client.

The Successful Outcome | KANGS Crown Court Trial Solicitors

  • Our client vehemently denied the allegation from the outset.
  • Following a trial, the Jury returned a unanimous ‘Not Guilty’ verdict.

Naturally, our client was delighted with the verdict which supported his respected reputation and professional qualification.

Our client stated:

I cannot thank you and my Barrister enough for believing in me. I can now start to rebuild and live my life again and thank you for fighting for me to achieve this unbelievable result’.

How Can We Help You? | Kangs National Criminal Defence Solicitors

At KANGS Solicitors we understand the pressures upon clients when faced with any allegation of criminal conduct and the understanding, attention to detail and commitment each client will require in the pursuit of a successful conclusion.

If you are facing an investigation in respect of an allegation of criminal conduct, including those of a sexual nature, it is essential that you seek immediate expert legal advice.

We welcome new enquiries by telephone or email.

Telephone: 0333 370 4333

Email: info@kangssolicitors.co.uk

Our team of lawyers is available to meet at our offices in London, Birmingham or Manchester or, alternatively, we are happy to arrange an initial no obligation meeting via telephone or video conferencing.

Hamraj Kang

Hamraj Kang
Senior Partner

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Helen Holder

Helen Holder

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