
New Powers given to Local Authorities for ‘fly tipping’ | Update


What are the New Powers?

New powers have been given to local authorities to issue ‘on the spot fines’. From May 2016, fly tippers may be fined up to £400 if caught dumping waste.

It is believed that the clean-up costs for fly tipping cost local authorities around £50million each year to cover the cost of an estimated 900,000 incidents.

Whilst acting as a deterrent, prosecutions will remain an option for large scale dumping.

Local Authority and Environment Agency Investigations – How can Solicitors help?

Kangs Solicitors have a wealth of experience in allegations of waste management and disposal at all levels from prosecutions by the local authority for small scale fly tipping to large scale prosecutions by the Environment Agency covering allegations of water pollution, land contamination and large-scale waste disposal.

Our Regulatory Team has a proven track record and is well equipped to advise businesses of all sizes in relation to investigations and prosecutions brought by the local authority or the Environment Agency.

We regularly advise clients at an early stage of the investigation, for example when the Environment Agency is on-site digging test pits, and act as an interface between the investigating body and the client. It is vitally important that early advice is sought in such circumstances to safeguard and protect the business and the company officers/directors. The financial penalties that are available to the Court to hand down to companies and individuals can be substantial.

Examples of recent Environment Agency cases

We are currently acting for our client, a Midlands based business, who approached us as they were being investigated by the Environment Agency for operating a waste disposal site contrary to the relevant permits.

Other recent examples of our work in this area include:

If you require any advice or assistance in this area or are having similar issues with the local authority or the Environment Agency, please feel free to contact Mr John Veale at Kangs Solicitors who will be happy to provide you with an initial consultation and offer some expert guidance.

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