
Entrepreneur Visas


Entrepreneur visas are available to high net-worth individuals, living outside the EEA, looking to either create a new business or join an existing business in the UK.

Financial Requirements

  • The applicant must have access to sufficient funds, namely £200,000 (or £50,000 with other criteria being met), which are disposable i.e. available to be utilised in the UK.
  • The funds must be held in a regulated financial institution.

Other Requirements

  • the applicant must be able to meet the language requirement (equivalent to CEFR level B1) or have studied a degree which was taught in English and recognised by UK NARIC.
  • there may be a need to obtain a TB certificate.
  • a ‘Business Plan’ needs to be submitted with the Application Form setting out details of the operation of the business.
  • an immigration health surcharge is payable for the applicant and each dependant, calculated according to the country of origin.

Duration of Visa Following A Successful Application

  • a visa will be granted for an initial period of three years and four months
  • towards the end of this period, an extension for a further two years can be made
  • thereafter, an application for settlement, indefinite leave to remain, may be submitted.

How Can We Help?

Kangs Solicitors has an established, specialised Immigration Department, able to assist in applications for visas of all types.

The need for meticulous attention to detail in the preparation of applications is highlighted in the recent case of R (Imran Idris) v SSHD IJR [2015] UKUT 95 (IAC) when the application was refused as the result of a landline telephone number and an email address being omitted.

This was later approved in the Court of Appeal in the case of Iqbal & Tank v SSHD [2015] EWCA Civ 169.

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