Health & Safety

We advise corporations, directors, employees, independent contractors and individuals when dealing with a UK regulator. We appreciate that the need for advice and assistance can be urgent and at short notice. We operate a 24/7 service via our Rapid Response Number: 07989 521210

Health & Safety | Fire Safety

Kangs has considerable experience in advising corporate clients, directors, employees and individuals in relation to investigations and prosecutions by:

  • Health & Safety Executive (HSE)
  • Environment Agency (EA)
  • Trading Standards

We are available to attend the scene of an accident, provide advice and assistance at interviews under caution and provide representation before the Court in order to defend any prosecution.

Our Health & Safety work includes:

  • Defending corporate manslaughter and gross negligence manslaughter allegations
  • Health & Safety allegations
  • Fire Safety investigations
  • Breaches of the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010
  • Trading Standards consumer and copyright related offences

Got a question?

Can't find what you need? Get in touch with our experience team, who are happy to answer any questions you have. Call us on 0333 370 4333.

How can Kangs help?

We appreciate that the need for advice and assistance can be urgent and at short notice. We operate a 24/7 service via our Rapid Response Number 07989 521210.

We are available to attend the scene of the accident, provide advice and assistance at interviews under caution and provide representation before the Court in order to defend any prosecution.

Early expert, advice and assistance is usually imperative in such cases in order to protect the business and individuals from the outset. This is particularly important considering that offences of this type, if proven, can result in extremely heavy fines, significant reputational damage and custodial sentences.

We are able to guide individuals and organisations through the entire process of an investigation/prosecution while maintaining a dialogue with the investigating authorities and safeguarding the interests of our clients at each stage in the procedure.

We welcome new enquiries by telephone or email and we are happy to provide an initial no obligation consultation to explore the issues in your case and to provide an assessment of what we can do to assist you.

What is the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005?

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 covers general fire safety in England & Wales. The legislation places a considerable burden on individuals to maintain appropriate records, conduct appropriate fire risk assessments, ensure all appropriate fire precautions are taken and maintain and check fire fighting and fire detection equipment.

Failure to comply with the legislation can be deemed a criminal offence in certain circumstances. If the fire authorities deem that the breaches of the legislation are serious, this can result in both individuals and companies/organisations being subjected to a criminal prosecution.

Got a question?

Can’t find what you need? Get in touch with our experienced team with any questions you have.



Contact Kangs

The expert lawyers at Kangs are available to assist you. We can arrange initial consultations in person, by video call or telephone.

Please contact one of our experts listed below or contact us at:

T: 0333 370 4333


They have a very good work ethic and are very well organised. Superb service.
They have considerable strength and depth and really cater for the needs of their clients. They are also very commercially aware.
Nothing is ever not done.
It is a first-rate team that is dedicated to its clients and is tenacious in challenging the prosecution.
It is a top notch firm with strength and depth.
It has very bright individuals at all levels who know the system inside out.
Health & Safety
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has various functions as a regulator, these include offering advice and providing guidance. Additionally, the HSE oversee licensing activities in major hazard industries, conduct targeted inspections and investigations, and take enforcement measures to prevent harm and ensure accountability for those who breach the regulations. Where necessary, HSE will collaborate […]
Health & Safety, Regulatory
The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022, (‘the Regulations’) which came into force on 23 January 2023, introduce new duties under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 for building owners or managers (‘responsible persons’). The Regulations have been introduced as an important step towards implementing the recommendations of the Grenfell Tower Enquiry and whilst they […]
Health & Safety, Regulatory
As can be seen from reports appearing in previous articles on this website, breaches of Health and Safety Law are regularly attracting severe sentences for both the defaulting companies and their directors. John Veale of Kangs Solicitors Comments generally. Sentencing Examples | Kangs Sentencing Advisory Team Company director Companies Court Sentencing Guidelines | Kangs Regulatory […]

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