Sexual Offences against an animal or a corpse

Paragraphs 69 and 70 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 deal with sexual offences against an animal or a corpse.

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What are the offences?

Section 69 details the offence of intercourse with an animal:

(1) A person commits an offence if—

(a) he intentionally performs an act of penetration with his penis,

(b) what is penetrated is the vagina or anus of a living animal, and

(c) he knows that, or is reckless as to whether, that is what is penetrated.

(2) A person (A) commits an offence if—

(a) A intentionally causes, or allows, A’s vagina or anus to be penetrated,

(b) the penetration is by the penis of a living animal, and

(c) A knows that, or is reckless as to whether, that is what A is being penetrated by.

Section 70 details the offence of sexual penetration of a corpse:

(1) A person commits an offence if—

(a) he intentionally performs an act of penetration with a part of his body or anything else,

(b) what is penetrated is a part of the body of a dead person,

(c) he knows that, or is reckless as to whether, that is what is penetrated, and

(d) the penetration is sexual.

The Court Procedure

Both section 69 and 70 offences are ‘either way’ offences meaning that they can be dealt with in either the Magistrates or the Crown Court. The maximum sentence available is that given in the Crown Court, being a term of imprisonment not exceeding two years.

Who Can I Contact For Advice & Help?

It is imperative that you instruct an experienced solicitor as soon as you become aware of an allegation being made. Crucially it is always important to have a solicitor present in interview at the police station whether it is an interview by appointment or under arrest.


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Words cannot express the way I feel knowing that the Jury believed my innocence of the allegations made against me…I am very grateful to my Lawyer and Barrister for the level of support throughout my case. I can now live without the stigma of being a sexual offender.
This has been a very harrowing experience for me and my family. There have been some very dark moments over the last 12 months or so but I have had to stay strong in order to fight these false allegations. I have been helped enormously by my solicitors who have dealt with my matter with patience and great diligence. The support I received during the trial was fantastic and I would like to extend a special thank you to them.
I contacted Kangs Solicitors having been arrested for an allegation of rape. I was in complete shock at what had happened as I had been falsely accused and I needed immediate experienced legal support. Upon meeting the senior partner of Kangs Solicitors, Hamraj Kang, I felt that they immediately understood my situation due to their considerable experience dealing with such cases. I was very comfortable with the way they sympathetically explained how they could assist me and what I would need to do with their help to prepare my case. My case was prepared to an exceptionally high standard. Kangs selected the perfect barrister for my situation in order to fight my case. I am just so thankful that I instructed Kangs Solicitors as they really have made a huge difference to my life. Thank you.
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