
Rape Trial | Not Guilty Verdict at Snaresbrook Crown Court


Kangs Solicitors represented the son of an international diplomat who went on trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court on the 25th July 2016 accused of rape.

The complaint dated back to 2014, following a city break in London made by the client who is a French National.

During the client’s break he met the complainant at a well known nightclub in North London. It was alleged that our client [the defendant] plied the complainant with alcohol in an attempt to take advantage of her intoxicated state and commit rape.

The client vehemently denied the offence and confirmed that all sexual activity had taken place with consent and that the complainant had the capacity to consent.

Preparation of the defence case | Criminal Solicitors

The defence preparation for trial was multi-faceted.

As well as preparing the client for the trial, the case preparation involved a wide range of issues including:

  • Extensive disclosure requests
  • Examination of toxicology results relating to the complainant
  • Analysis of CCTV
  • Analysis of ‘999’ calls made
  • Critical analysis of the complainant’s video recorded interview with the police

The Trial | Not Guilty of Rape Allegation

At the trial, a careful cross examination of the complainant was conducted to demonstrate to the jury the flaws and inconsistencies in the prosecution case.

Our client gave evidence in his own defence and additional defence evidence was called.

After a trial lasting 8 days the jury unanimously acquitted the client after only one hour of deliberation.

The client had been on bail for this matter since 2014. He had been granted bail so that he could reside in his home country.

He was determined to clear his name and regularly travelled to the UK to attend Court hearings and to meet with his legal team.

Clearly these proceedings were a significant financial cost in terms of travel costs and legal fees as well as significant emotional cost to the client but he was committed to working with Kangs Solicitors to retain his good name and be cleared of these false allegations.

The client was overjoyed with the result of the trial. He thanked his Counsel and Kangs Solicitors for their hard work and dedication to the case during what he termed a ‘nightmare’ period in his life.

The case was conducted at Kangs Solicitors by Hamraj Kang and Frances Murray.

Contact Us | Experts in defending sexual offence allegations

We have extensive experience of defending clients accused of a wide range of sexual offences.

We specialise in defending cases of historical sexual abuse and have been involved in many high profile investigations such as Operation Yewtree.

Please feel free to contact Hamraj Kang or Helen Holder for confidential advice in relation to your matter. We will be happy to assist you and guide you through what can be an extremely traumatic time for you and your family.

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