Serious Fraud, VAT & Tax

Kangs has been acting in high-profile white-collar crime investigations and prosecutions since 1997.
Consistently recognised as a national leader in the field of criminal fraud defence, both leading directories
- the Legal 500 and Chambers UK - rank the firm in the highest categories for white collar fraud defence work.
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VAT Investigation Defence

A proven track record of successfully defending white collar crime investigations and prosecutions by the major prosecuting authorities including:

  • Trading Standards | CPS | Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA)
  • National Crime Agency (NCA) | UK Border Agency | Insolvency Service
  • Competition & Markets Authority | Local Authorities
  • National Investigation Service (NATIS)

Our experience includes:

  • SFO investigations – advising witnesses in relation to Section 2 Notices served on corporate bodies and individuals and representing suspects in relation to financial crime allegations
  • Attending Dawn Raids and providing clients with advice and assistance at their business premises while a search is conducted by investigating officers
  • Our 24/7 Rapid Response Team representing individuals in interviews under caution either following an arrest or by voluntary attendance
  • Acting in numerous multi-million pounds fraud investigations often with a significant international dimension
  • Working in foreign jurisdictions and engaging local professional advisers including lawyers, accountants and private investigators
  • Representing clients throughout the country in a wide range of fraud investigations from our offices in London, Birmingham and Manchester
  • Representation in court proceedings in conjunction with our long-established working relationships with the leading barristers and King's Counsels (KCs) in the country
  • Advising on issues of business continuity and reputational damage
  • Negotiating settlements with prosecuting authorities and advising on Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPA)



Noted expertise in SFO and HMRC cases. Extremely well-reputed for advising on high-value matters such as MTIC, POCA and property frauds.
Kangs Solicitors is rated for the proactive, expert defence it provides to executives and high-net-worth individuals.
It has an established reputation for its work in defending complex fraud allegations.
It has a very strong team of lawyers who can rise to the challenges of the most complex fraud case.
Recognised for astute command of financial crime.
The team has substantial experience in multi-jurisdictional criminal and financial regulatory investigations.
Particularly active in high value financial fraud cases, with notable expertise in boiler room cases.
They have dealt with every imaginable prosecution and investigations agency and have very good experience of cross-border investigations in financial misconduct.

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Missing Trader Intra Community (MTIC) VAT Fraud

We are nationally recognised for our significant expertise and experience in dealing with MTIC & VAT fraud cases, also known as carousel fraud, and have been involved in many of the leading cases in recent years. We consider ourselves to be in a unique position as very few other firms have had conduct of such a number of MTIC and VAT fraud cases in recent years.

In addition to the above-mentioned MTIC investigations involving established products such as CPUs, mobile phones and other electrical goods, we have considerable experience in relation to allegations of MTIC and VAT fraud involving a variety of other commodities including luxury cars, carbon credits, metals, waste products and toiletries.

We also provide a full service to corporate and individual clients in relation to all civil aspects of VAT including advice in relation to VAT Assessments and representation at the Tax Tribunal.

Our extensive experience of such cases includes acting in some of the largest investigations and prosecutions ever undertaken by HMRC including:

  • Operation Maypole – Operation Drive – Operation Lychee – Operation Dowel
  • Operation Capri 2 – Operation Ghast – Operation Duma – Operation Capri 3
  • Operation Fastback – Operation Vex – Operation Varlet – Operation Tulipbox
  • Operation Elemi – Operation Develop – Operation Hayrick – Operation Gnawed
  • Operation Vehicle – Operation Devout – Operation Vita
  • Operation Dumpcart – Operation Forebear – Operation Janitor

Dawn Raids & 24/7 Rapid Response

Dawn Raids are an increasing feature of corporate life and are most commonly conducted by investigating authorities such as HM Revenue & Customs, the Serious Fraud Office, the Financial Conduct Authority, the Competition & Markets Authority and the National Crime Agency.

Kangs 24-hour Rapid Response Team consists of ten highly trained and experienced solicitors with a proven track record of advising corporate and individual clients in relation to all aspects of Dawn Raids. 

Investigations & Prosecutions

We have particular experience in conducting complex and often high-value cases involving the following areas:

  • Money Laundering, Tax Evasion, Bribery & Corruption, Mortgage Fraud
  • Conspiracy to Defraud, Duty Evasion & Diversion, Banking Fraud
  • Insurance Fraud, Boiler Room, Ponzi and Pyramid Fraud
  • Fraud on Major Commercial & Public Bodies, e.g. NHS
  • Internet Fraud, Land Banking, Advance Fee, Pensions
  • Illegal Money Lending, Immigration Fraud & False Accounting
  • Fraudulent Trading, Carbon Credit Fraud

SFO Investigations

We have significant experience in acting for witnesses and suspects in relation to investigations by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO). Our experience extends to representing multi-national corporations and individual company officers and executives.

We have considerable expertise in advising clients in relation to Notices served pursuant to Section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 (‘Section 2 Interview Notices’) and advising in relation to Section 2(3) Notices requiring the production of material to the SFO.


Latest News & Insights

Financial Investigations, Serious Fraud

Deferred Prosecution Agreement

A Deferred Prosecution Agreement (‘DPA’) is an agreement between a Prosecutor at the Crown Prosecution Service (‘CPS’) or Serious Fraud Office (‘SFO’) with a company, partnership or unincorporated association, approved by the Court, as an appropriate alternative to prosecution when considered to be in the Public Interest. A DPA is made pursuant to Part I […]
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Serious Fraud, Tax & HMRC
The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017, (‘the Regulations’), which came into force on 26 June 2017 imposed strict duties on various businesses to implement and supervise anti-money laundering measures with the intent, inter alia, of preventing the financing of terrorism. Any breach of the Regulations may result […]
Financial Investigations, POCA, Serious Fraud
The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023 (‘the Act’), introduces a number of new offences, enforcement and investigative powers to law enforcement agencies in respect of economic crime. Hamraj Kang of KANGS outlines some of the key provisions featured in the Act including the newly established criminal offences and investigative powers. The Team at […]
Serious Fraud, Tax & HMRC
HMRC is allowed to deregister a company from VAT where that company has been using its VAT Registration Number for fraudulent purposes. This power derives from the European Court of Justice case of Valsts ieņēmumu dienests v Ablessio SIA C-527/11, (‘the Ablessio principle’). Amongst the various forms of Notice of VAT Assessment which HMRC may […]

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