What is Computer or Cyber Crime ? | Cyber Crime Solicitors
The use of computers and online activity has risen dramatically as the use of social media, micro-blogging (i.e. twitter), e-commerce and other internet usage becomes all pervasive within our ordinary lives.
One of the consequences of increasingly living our lives online as the result of these advances in technology, is the number of people accused of cyber or online crime committed in the pursuit of new avenues of money that have been made available.
Cyber crime is a ‘catch all term’ for crimes committed through use of the internet, computers and all other digital devices.
Examples of Cyber Crime | Internet Crime Solicitors
Cyber crimes generally fall into two categories.
Firstly, these include the use of computers within “traditional” offences so that they can be committed online, in the commission of the offence such as:
- Identity Theft
- Stalking | Harassment
- Romance Fraud
- Sexual Grooming
- Bullying
- Hate Crimes
- Possession/Distribution of Indecent Images of children
- Financial Fraud
Secondly, offences involving the stealing of confidential information and interfering with digital rights, covering a wide array of activities including:
- Hacking
- Phishing
- Malware - applications which are used to record key strokes or obtain passwords and bank details
- Ransomware - software which blocks access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid
The police and other investigative agencies are constantly developing their awareness of the evidence that can be obtained through analysis of this “digital footprint” and in an ever developing , previously poorly understood area of law, legislation and judicial decisions struggle to keep up with the rapid pace of technological change.
How Kangs Solicitors Can Help | Internet & Computer Crime Lawyers
With the existence of viral computer infections and malware being widespread, the potential for information to be downloaded without any consent or knowledge is an increasing reality.
Should you find yourself accused of a computer or internet crime it is imperative that you get expert legal advice in this complex area of law as soon as possible.
International Cyber Crime| Kangs International Fraud Team
Cyber crime is a borderless crime and many investigations involve international investigation bodies and agencies which may create issues concerning jurisdiction and extradition proceedings.
Kangs Solicitors have multi-jurisdictional experience involving cross-border disclosure regimes and can offer expert advice and assistance on such issues.
Cyber Fraud Evidence | Kangs Solicitors Forensic Skills & Analysis
Most evidence of forensic fraud is recovered from electronic devices such as computers, laptops, tablets and smart phones which often reveals online history identifying the movement of funds, internet searches and even physical location.
Due to the high volume of data that is normally seized during computer based investigations it is vital that your legal team has the experience to deal with such investigations.
Kangs Solicitors Computer and Internet Crime Team have the forensic skills to deal with and analyse this volume of complex data and is highly experienced in defending individuals or companies accused of any form of cyber crime.
Alongside expert witnesses with whom we have close and established working relationships, Kangs Solicitors are often involved in challenging the technical aspects of the Prosecution’s case.
Our experience in conducting cases of this nature means that your rights will be safeguarded at all stages whether that be in relation to the seizure of the data, the investigation stage, the admissibility of the Prosecution evidence or the disclosure of unused material.
Kangs Solicitors team of highly experienced and specialist solicitors can help if you have been arrested and are on police bail or have been charged or you believe that you are at risk of arrest.
Areas Kangs Solicitors Specialise In | Computer Misuse Act Solicitors
- Offences under the Computer Misuse Act 1990 and Communications Act 2003
- Cyber Fraud and Theft Offences
- Possession and Downloading indecent images of children
- Hacking |Maliciously creating and spreading viruses |Identity theft
- Internet Fraud | Online Fraud | Email Fraud
- Using counterfeit or unlicensed software
- Malware and Phishing Offences
- Cyber Credit Card Fraud
- Money Laundering Investigations
At Kangs Solicitors we have extensive experience of conducting specialist computer and cyber crime cases.
Help and Advice is Available | Computer & Internet Fraud Solicitors
If we can be of assistance, our Team is available via telephone 0333 370 4333 and by email info@kangssolicitors.co.uk.
We provide initial no obligation discussion at our three offices in London, Birmingham and Manchester.
Alternatively, discussions can be held virtually through live conferencing or telephone.