
Disclosure and Barring Service Certificate (DBS) | Kangs Solicitors


Kangs Solicitors have been instructed to represent a client in relation to information the Police have included on his enhanced DBS Certificate.

The information relates to a sexual allegation in that it was alleged our client attempted to administer a substance into the drink of a female with the intention to stupify or overpower her for the purpose of sexual activity.

The Police have included the details of this allegation notwithstanding that our client was never charged.

Kangs Solicitors are instructed to challenge the disclosure by the Police through the Independent Monitor process.

What is a DBS? | Kangs Solicitors for DBS

For further information, please see our previous article:

If you seek to challenge the content of your DBS Certificate, then please contact Steven Micklewright of Kangs Solicitors.

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