
Conspiracy to Defraud | Money Laundering | Southampton Crown Court


The Background

Our client (DH) worked for a company (KP) that dealt with Learning and Development Training within the IT sector.

KP was taken over by another company (CP). During the acquisition KP continued to use their own IT systems that were not compatible with CP’s systems.

KP’s own Finance Team was able to continue processing invoices and monitoring monthly figures and sales targets.

In 2013 DH and another employee of KP formed their own company (UP) while still working at KP with the specific intent to supply training packages to companies that were previously clients of KP but which had been illegally poached from them.

The Alleged Fraud | Serious Fraud Solicitors

Setting up a company with the intent to steal KP’s customers amounted not only to a civil breach of contract by KP and the other employee but to a criminal conspiracy to defraud KP of income that would have been derived from its normal and established trading activities.

Whilst still being paid by KP the owners of UP placed it in direct competition with KP and used KP’s own sales team to direct business elsewhere.

It is alleged that in excess of a quarter of a million pounds was misappropriated by DH and others.

They are also accused of laundering the proceeds of their criminal conduct.

How we can help | Criminal Fraud Solicitors

Kangs Solicitors have a vast amount of experience in defending allegations of fraud.

Our team is well equipped to offer specialist advice in order to guide you through the complexities of criminal litigation.

If you require any assistance please do not hesitate to contact Hamraj Kang , Zahir Ahmed or Timothy Thompson for an initial free consultation.

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