Cash Seizure: Money successfully recovered for the Client
Fran Murray of Kangs represented the partner of an individual who had a quantity of Sterling and Euros seized from him at the Channel Tunnel border. The individual was arrested on suspicion of money laundering and the money detained by application of the Police for a period of 6 months under section 295 Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. A comprehensive witness statement was obtained from the partner to verify the origin of the cash seized. This required a forensic examination of wage slips, invoices, bank statements and other financial information provided for an application to release the seized cash on behalf of a third party under section 301 (4) Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. The witness statement together with exhibits produced therein (the financial material) was shared with the Officer in charge of the criminal investigation. As a result no further action was taken in respect of the money laundering allegations.
The financial investigator had further questions in respect of the cash seized and again a further comprehensive witness statement was provided together with relevant financial material. Following a review of the forensic analysis provided by us and the detailed witness statements supplied our application under section 301 (4) was successful and all the cash seized was released and returned to the client.